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The Apits Groups has a diversified portfolio of investments in Oman’s banking sector. Our banking portfolio comprises Oman Arab Bank and Bank Muscat
Commercial Banking
Oman Arab Bank (OAB) is The Apits Group’s associate and one of our major investments in the banking sector. Seeb Investments owns 31.6% of OAB; since its inception in 1984, the bank has contributed significantly to the Group’s success through growth in profits and assets, and a steady stream of dividends.
It is one of largest local banks in Oman with total assets of over $8.5 billion and total loans of over $6.5 billion. During 2020, OAB completed a landmark merger with Alizz Islamic Bank. OAB is led by a visionary board and highly capable management team. It enjoys a strong balance sheet, an established brand, committed shareholders and a growing market position.